Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Preparation for Surgery

After weeks, 5 to be exact, of working with the hospital, we finally have a tentative date for Hayden's first procedure.  I use the term "working" very loosely because it's mostly been phone tag and countless transfers.  One very frustrating thing about working with a hospital this big is that every person has virtually one job and if you don't happen to get that person, you WILL get transferred.  I've found myself tearing up a couple of times purely out of frustration.  Alone, I don't have time for this but God gives me strength to make "just one more phone call".  Last week, I finally got to the right person, who ironically was the first person I talked to in February!

Hayden has a history of acid reflux and as a precaution, he needs to be seen by a Pediatric Gastrointerologist prior to the reconstruction to check the status of the reflux.  They will check the reflux by using an Impedence Probe which is inserted through his nose into his throat (sounds terribly uncomfortable to me).  It will stay in overnight and then be removed.  During the procedure, his ENT will take a look into this airway to determine our course of treatment for the reconstruction.  There are two types of reconstruction, single stage and dual stage.  Both have their positives, negatives, and risks.  We are opting for the single stage because it doesn't involve a temporary tracheostomy tube. 

The scary part (and probably the scariest part of this entire procedure for me) is that Hayden will be in a medically induced coma for about a week to allow his throat to begin the healing process.  He was sedated like this in the NICU when he was born and I am not looking forward to going through it again.  The length of sedation will depend upon how quickly his airway begins to heal.  Following the coma, he'll have another 2-3 scopes to check on his healing progress.  We're looking at a stay of 3-4 weeks in the hospital in Cincinnati after all is said and done. 

At this point, we don't have a full picture of what his treatment plan will look like.  Everything is dependent upon what Dr. Cotton finds next month.  His procedure is tentatively scheduled for April 22 with an overnight stay in the hospital.  If all goes as planned, he will be released on Saturday the 23rd and we'll be home in time to celebrate Easter on Sunday. 

As I go through each day, I am encouraged and amazed by all God provides and I know that He will continue to provide and take care of us as we go through this. 

I've often heard it said that "God won't give you anything you can't handle".  I don't believe that's entirely true.  I believe that "God won't give me anything I can't handle WITHOUT HIM".  I know that there's no way I could do this without Him and He deserves all the glory for getting us to this place. 

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  Matthew 11:30


  1. Well said!! You are absolutely right! He does give us things WE can't handle without HIM! He challenges us to rely on Him to get us thru everything, and if you aren't, He will make sure you do! LOl! Continue to lean on Him and you will be fine!! I cannot imagine what you must be going through! I wish I could be there to hold your hand and hug on you!! I miss you terribly! Love you!

  2. We will keep all of you in our prayers!!

